Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beginning at the Beginning

So I got a job with an auto wholesaler this summer as a pickup/delivery driver. I decided then to log all of my runs with my impressions of the used cars I got to drive sometimes upwards of 200 miles at a time (and sometimes less than a block.)

I'd just like to re-iterate, I get paid to drive random cars around all day. I'm a former Airline Pilot and still this is the coolest job I have ever had!

Some words of warning:

  • I will not tell you where I work. They asked that I don't let on right now, insecurity thy name is car sales.
  • I will not tell you how much a car sold for. Wholesale prices don't reflect the total costs involved and you'd just get pissy when you tried to get that price on a comparable car.
  • I will not tell you where I picked up cars from, or where I dropped them off. If you see a car you like in a recent review, search some used car sites and perhaps you'll find the car I drove. 
  • I LOATHE CUV's, don't expect to see much love for those unibody AWD wannabees and minivans in disguise. (crossover wagons however are sweet.)

I have a bunch of backlog to truck through so hopefully we'll get up to speed soon. Bear with me and enjoy the ravings of a minimum wage lunatic who's actually in love with his job.

Also I have a B.S. in Aeronautics, NOT a B.A. in English. So you know, be glad most of the words I use are even in a dictionary somewhere.

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